Blackjack Peek Card Mirror Reader
Item Number: BlackjackPeek
Product Description |
The Blackjack Mirror Card Reader is a very nifty BJ table device that notifies the dealer of the hand he holds.
Casino blackjack table peeks are used on blackjack tables to help the dealer see if they have an Ace, Picture Card, or 10 for blackjack. Recommended cards to be used with a peek are standard index and peek specialized decks. Other decks might be hard to see/use.
Dimensions: 3 in. x 1 in.
Comes with hardware needed to assemble to table.
This reader is easy to use and easy to install and It is readily accepted by dealer and player alike, currently in use in casinos both in the U.S.A. and overseas!
No annoying buttons to push or mirrors to squint at
Dealer doesn't need to peek at the hole card or wait until the end of the game to determine a 21 hand.
Game speeds up 20-25%, which obviously will result in greater revenue
Pit personnel can spend more time on customer relations
The basic purpose of the card reader is to enable the dealer to determine whether or not the value of his first two cards is twenty-one (21) without having to bend and look at his hole card. This eliminates the need for the dealer to know the exact value of his cards until it is time for the dealer to turn his hand over.
Thus, this card reader is primarily a security device, designed to lessen the probability that a dealer could either work in collusion with an agent at the table or inadvertently give away to the players information about his hand.
An added feature of the No Peek 21 reader is that it can speed up the game and it can eliminate wasted cards which can result in an increased number of hands being able to be dealt in a given period of time.
In order for this device to operate properly it must be used in conjunction with playing cards which have been specially marked.
(Ex.: Copag-Poker Size PEEK Index Setup) The markings on the cards are placed on diagonal corners on all ten value cards and on the aces.
Devices ordered have a lead time of 1-3 business days after orders are placed. and will only ship after passing strict quality control.
Manufactured in the US specifically for the game of blackjack.
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American Gaming Supply - Poker Tables & Chips
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American Gaming Supply - Poker Tables & Chips
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American Gaming Supply - Poker Tables & Chips
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